Mobile Device Security

Enable users to be productive without compromising security.

Manage and protect your mobile phones, BYOD devices, apps, and your users.

Data security on-prem. or in the cloud

How are you managing your users’ mobile phone access to your organization’s sensitive data? Do you know if your user’s devices are compliant with your IT policies?

Today’s users are looking for more ways to remain productive while working on any device. 95% of organizations allow personal devices in the workspace. All these devices add additional risks when considering that 70 million smartphones are lost every year.

“Modern device management encompasses a wide range of areas including user protection, adding/removing devices, managed applications, end user support, and rolling out new capabilities.”

– Forrester 2020 Microsoft 365 Enterprise Total Economic Impact Study

Security Posture Amplified

Improve your organization's Secure Score with Microsoft Endpoint Manager.

Ensure User Compliance

Gain insights about your users’ mobile access and their compliance with your IT policies.

Granular Access Controls

Build management policies that protect your company data and your users' mobile phones.

Reduce Your Attack Surface

Determine the best way to give your users access to the data they need and revoke access as needed.

A complete solution for data security

EITS created a hands-on workshop to help organizations take control of data and access security across all devices and apps from a unified platform. Click the link to learn more about our Endpoint Manager workshop and how you can achieve sustainable security.