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Secure Your Network and Meet Compliance Standards with Managed Firewall Services from Enterprise IT Security

Enterprise IT Security

How an Enterprise IT Security Managed Firewall Service Helps to Meet the IRS 1075 Publication Security Requirements (4 of 7)

Thanks for joining us for part 4 of a 7-part series exploring how a Managed Firewall Service from Enterprise IT Security (EITS), can assist you in meeting the regulatory requirements that govern your industry. In this blog we tackle how a Managed Firewall Service from Enterprise IT Security (EITS), helps with meeting the stringent requirements of IRS 1075 Publication.

IRS (Internal Revenue Service) Publication 1075 outlines the security requirements for protecting federal tax information (FTI) in non-federal systems and organizations. It is primarily aimed at state and local government agencies, contractors, and other entities that handle FTI. To meet IRS Publication 1075 requirements, including safeguarding FTI, we are looking at how a managed firewall service (MFS) from Enterprise IT Security can play a crucial role in meeting the security requirements in several ways:

Access Control: Enforce access control policies, allowing organizations to limit access to FTI to authorized individuals only. Access rules can be configured to ensure that only those with a legitimate need can access FTI.

Network Segmentation: A managed firewalls service vendor can implement network segmentation to isolate systems containing FTI from other parts of the network. This reduces the risk of unauthorized access and data breaches.

Intrusion Detection and Prevention: Include intrusion detection and prevention capabilities, helping identify and block unauthorized access attempts and potential security threats to FTI.

Encryption: Encryption of data in transit is crucial for protecting FTI. Managed firewall services can enforce encryption standards and protocols for data traveling over the network.

Logging and Auditing: Maintain logs of network traffic and security events, which are essential for monitoring and auditing compliance with IRS Publication 1075. These logs provide a record of data access and security incidents.

Incident Response: In the event of a security incident involving FTI, a managed firewall service assists in detecting and responding to the breach, helping organizations meet the incident response requirements outlined in IRS Publication 1075.

Documentation and Reporting:  Document security measures and compliance efforts. These reports can be valuable during IRS audits and assessments.

Risk Management: Contribute to an organization’s overall risk management strategy by providing essential security controls and monitoring capabilities. Regular risk assessments help identify and mitigate risks to FTI.

Penetration Testing and Vulnerability Scanning:  IRS Publication 1075 requires regular vulnerability scanning and penetration testing to identify and address security weaknesses. 

Configuration Management: Maintain proper configuration management practices to ensure that firewall rules are up-to-date and in compliance with IRS Publication 1075 requirements.

Organizations subject to IRS Publication 1075 should also work with a managed service provider that has experience with public reporting such as EITS and knows how to follow IRS guidelines for compliance, audits, and assessments. Additionally, since regulations and requirements may change over time, it’s essential to know that your provider stays current with the latest updates and guidance from the IRS.

Contact to see how we can help with meeting security requirements!